ego kit

Funtoo Linux Kit Module

Author:Daniel Robbins <>
Manual section:1
Manual group:Funtoo Linux Core System


ego kit status

ego kit list


Use the ego kit command to display information about currently-enabled kits as well as available kits.


Use ego kit status to display status information on meta-repo and all kits. A table will be printed to the console displaying the location of meta-repo, the last time it was updated using ego sync, all kits, the current branch selected for each kit, the default branch for the kit (if different than the current branch,) and the stability level of each branch.

It’s important to note that the stability level indicates the true stability of the branch; for example, Funtoo Linux developers may create a 3.0-prime branch but immediately after its creation, it will be considered to have a dev (not prime) stability level. Only when the necessary fixes and patches have been applied will Funtoo Linux developers bump the branch to prime stability. So in this regard, the name of the branch indicates its eventual, intended stability level, while the stability level itself indicates the actual stability level of the branch.


ego kit list will display information similar to ego kit status, but will also show not-currently-enabled kits and their stability level. See BRANCH STABILITY LEVELS, below.


The following branch stability levels are currently defined:

Production-level, enterprise-quality and fully supported with backports, or a current Gentoo branch that is our default branch.
Nearing production quality, requiring additional testing and user validation before marked as prime
Beta release – not yet guaranteed to be particularly stable, yet appropriate for adventurous users to test only.
Alpha release – only for adventurous users, who should expect some breakage.
Developer release – in active development; not indended for non-developers.
Current means that the branch tracks Gentoo, and is not our default branch. Some of our branches track Gentoo but are our default branch, in which case the branch will be marked as prime.